Warm Welcome to all the Freshers!

This blog will be dedicated to freshers. Find all the latest news for freshers, ways to get a good job & DOs & DONTs as a fresher.

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Top Freshers Technical Interview FAQs

Here are the most frequently asked questions to a fresh graduate appearing for an interview to secure IT job in a good company-

So here's what you might have to face & possibly what you should say if you are asked the same!

*Mention your strong areas: Don't say C or C++ for heavens sake!

Even having worked for a Microsoft project i can't claim that i really know C/C++ programming, so don't you dare commit the mistake of saying so. Try to mention your favorite technical topic. Ex: Logic Design or DSP - if you belong to ECE/EEE background

**Tell me about your final year project: Don't describe everything about your project!

Nobody wants to hear everything, just tell him what was it basically, and what did you really do, pertaining to programming point of view!

***Rate your C/C++ knowledge at a scale of 1-10: Don't say 9 or 2!!

Rate yourself honestly from 4-8! Never say 2 3 or 9! if you rate yourself too low, interviewer will never be interested to test your knowledge & rating yourself 9 is as good as kissing bye to this opportunity (unless you are someone like Abdul kalam or Newton)

Keep one thing very clear in mind - Don't try to play around with the interviewer, but try to drag him into a discussion, which relates to your strong point!

Tell him what you can do, and prove your worth. If you succeed in even proving that you can get the job done, you are IN!!


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